Are you part of an Energy Community? Contribute to GENTE by filling out our survey about your needs.

Illustration of a person installing a solar panel

If you are a participant in an energy community, GENTE would like to invite you to take part in a short survey to gain insight into stakeholders’ needs in local energy systems with high renewables.

The GENTE project is developing a distributed governance toolkit for local energy communities (LECs) geared towards the green energy transition and community sustainability.

This survey is designed to capture the needs of energy stakeholders including end users, prosumers, energy operators, and assets owners.

Your input will help us understand the needs and preferences of stakeholders, enabling us to integrate them in the energy initiatives and demo sites GENTE is involved in and in the energy community toolkit being developed.

Useful info

This survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

All your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence. No individual or organization will be identified in the survey.

The survey is available in English.


If you plan to participate, please do so by Thursday, December 7th, 2023.

Which stakeholder type are you?

To ensure the needs of various stakeholders within energy communities are captured effectively, different versions of the survey have been created, one for each of four main stakeholder types. The types are:

→ End user: someone who participates in an energy community by using the energy generated

→ Prosumer: someone who participates in an energy community by supplying energy generated from their own assets and consumes their own energy as well

→ Asset Owner: someone who participates in an energy community mainly by owning the energy assets that the community uses

→ Energy Operator: someone who participates in an energy community by managing the assets, connections to grid, and relationships with grid operators

Links to the survey

Please choose the link below that best matches your main participation type in your energy community.

If you are an End User → click here.

If you are a Prosumer → click here.

If you are an Asset Owner → click here.

If you are an Energy Operator → click here.

Have questions? Get in touch.

If you would like more information about the survey, get in touch with Alexander Nnamdi Ndife from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden on [email protected]

Thank you for your contribution to GENTE!